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- Aesleme
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AESLEME was created, 32 years ago, from the concern for the alarming increase in spinal cord injuries and craneoencephalic traumatisms, mainly caused by accidents. And due to conclusions in a epidemiologic study that was carried out in the late 80s by the doctors Juan García Reneses, responsible for the unit for medullar lesions in the Hospital de la Paz, and Rafael Herruzo Cabrera, preventive medicine professor at the Universidad Autónoma of Madrid.
The Asociación para el Estudio de la Lesión Medular Espinal (AESLEME) (Association for the Study of Spinal Medullary Lesions). It is a non-profit national private entity and declared of public use which is dedicated to the prevention of accidents that cause spinal cord and cerebral injuries, mostly irreversible: paraplegia, tetraplegia, craneoencephalic traumatisms, etc.
Specialist doctors estimate that in Spain, close to ten people a day are susceptible of having a medullar or cerebral lesion, being traffic accidents and falls the most frequent causes.
The population that AESLEME is directed at is wide because we are all at risk. The daily use of the car, working activities, sports all entail some kind of risk. They are all situations that implicate, for everyone in the family, the possibility of suffering one of these types of lesions unexpectedly. AESLEME has demonstrated the efficiency of the prevention campaigns applying communication techniques that have been successfully used in countries such as United States or Australia, directly reaching more than 4,000,000 people. This change in social attitude toward prevention has caused the reduction of accidents in recent years. By suing this new kind of communication which is the Internet AESLEME wants to open its doors and offer the possibility of being you being the main characters of our activities.