Probisa donnates 4,000 euros to AESLEME for its contribution to road safety
Probisa awarded AESLEME and the Civil Guard Foundation the total amount of its ACEX National Award – with 8,000€ - to Conservation of Safety. Mar Cogollos, director of AESLEME, received this donation “with much gratitude, in this difficult year of economic crisis, - Mar commented. - With this money we can reach 10 or 20 thousand kids”. The donation will be destined to the awareness and prevention of traffic accidents “It Can Happen To You” campaign which AESLEME imparts in educational centres and military academies.
The person in charge of presiding the act – which took place in the headquarters of the DGT – was the general Traffic Director, Pere Navarro Olivella, accompanied by the general sub-director of Traffic and Mobility Management, Federico Fernández Alonso; the general director of Probisa, Tecnología y Construcción (Probisa Technology and Construction), Carlos Ortiz Quintana and the ACEX managing director, Pablo Sáez Villar.
The Asociación de Empresas de Conservación y Explotación de Infraestructuras (ACEX) (the Conservation and Exploitation Companies Association) has awarded Probisa in their past two editions of the award for their research projects: in 2007 for “High Adherence Treatment Viagrip” – technology that improves adherence to the road. And in 2008 for its project of applying thermo-chromic paint which goes from white to red when the temperature drops below zero.