UNESPA has awarded the Road Safety Award 2009 – with 50,000€ - to AESLEME. The president of the Permanent Commission of the Comisión de Seguros de Automóviles (Automobile Insurance Commission), Antonio Huertas, said that this decision supposes “continuing supporting the labour of this association in its ‘It Can Happen To You’ prevention and awareness campaign”, a labour that has reached 2 million children and young people.
The president of UNESPA, Pilar González de Frutos, and Antonio Huertas presented the resolution of the 2009 awards which are organised by UNESPA for contributing to the prevention of accidents and reduction of traffic victims. Gustavo Almela, director of AESLEME Exterior Relations, thanked the contribution of UNESPA, stressed the importance of this support, with which AESLEME would not have been able to carry out its work, and summarised the work that is carried out on a day to day basis from this association educating for the safety on the streets. Furthermore, the project Cibersomosaguas received the second prize of 40.000 euros.